Friday, March 19, 2010

120 Middle School Students....

I chose my platform, "Support the ARTS: A Vital part of a Vibrant Community" because I live my platform. One of my many activities at Bowling Green State University is to provide entertainment at alumni events, banquets and special functions on campus or around the county. I am the go-to girl for promoting the Arts of BGSU. Today, I was asked to sing and entertain about 120 middle school students from Fostoria Middle School. I sang a few songs as well as had fellow musical theatre major, Kendra, play her fiddle. I also led them in an acting warm-up to show what the performers at BGSU sometimes do before a rehearsal or show. I love performing and had so much representing BGSU!

1 comment:

  1. You look so cute! Looks like the kids are enjoying your performance...Love you, mom
